work like you don't need the money, love like nobody has ever hurt you, dance like nobody is watching, sing like nobody is listening, live as if this was paradise on Earth.

2009年9月16日 星期三

Nia is exhilarating and fun!帶領你的身體,心靈,情感和精神 一種很有創造力的健身運動

沒找到NIA中文資料 我來整理一篇吧! 有機會在台灣大家有機會體驗Nia的話可以幫我補充
它不像蘇菲旋轉舞那麼有神秘性 今晚我第一次體驗 可能不夠投入 身心靈舒坦度大概70%
但一個多小時跳下來揮汗如雨 運動量是絕對很大的 @@ 我本來還以為是類似Pilate , Yoga那種靜態的 沒想到是有點類似free style韻律 只要會動的 都可以跳得很開心喔 我跳不到一半就在想她有沒親子NIA(這裡有很多Yoga, Pilate 都有親子的) 想帶小朋友來群魔亂舞一番(簡單的形容Nia的話)

而且她的音樂真的超讚的 有機會來這裡聽

 一個充滿活力的混合舞蹈藝術,武術,藝術治療 透過妳運動和感覺自我表達, 醫治你(用來治療酗酒或吸毒者)
Non-Impact AerobicsNeuromuscular Integrative Action

Martial ArtsDance ArtsHealing Arts
T'ai ChiJazz danceFeldenkrais method
Tae Kwan DoModern danceAlexander Technique
AikidoDuncan DanceYoga

What is Nia?


Done barefoot to diverse and inspiring music, Nia is a transformational movement practice that teaches you to be more JOYFUL, EXPRESSIVE, and ALIVE in your body, both inside and outside of the studio. Nia is holistic: it engages your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Nia draws from dance arts, martial arts, and healing arts to create purposeful movement. Purposeful movement will help you grow and learn. 

1 則留言:

Tina, Jack & Ethan's life 提到...

你去哪學的阿 介紹一下吧