Focus on **What Was**(keep on living the best way we know how)
rather than keep asking "What if..........."(the best way to honor those who had die)
': Creepier: monkeys or clowns?
Tom goes to Roy and Tom explains that Lynette grew up with a dad and a drinker of a mom and was responsible for everyone. It gave her a fear of things falling apart and a need to control things. Tom says Lynette can't control everything but she can control Tom, if he lets her, and so he does let her because it makes her feel safe. And that is his job as a husband. Awww. Love Tom and Lynette
It’s an odd thing to look back on the world, to watch those I left behind. Each in her own way so brave, so determined, and so very desperate.
Desperate to venture out, but afraid of what she’ll miss when she goes.
Desperate to get everything she wants, even when she’s not exactly sure of what that is.
Desperate for life to be perfect again, although she realizes it never really was.
Desperate for a better future, if she can find a way to escape her past.
I not only watch, I cheer them on, these amazing women. I hope so much they’ll find what they’re looking for.
But I know not all of them will. Sadly, that’s just not the way life works. Not everyone gets a happy ending.
L:Are you ok?
M:Yes,thank you.I’m fine.
L:No,you’re not.
Please ,tell me what’s wrong.Let me save you.
M:You can’t.
L:Why not?
M:We can’t prevent what we can’t predict.
L:Is there anything i can do?
M:Enjoy this beautiful day.We gets so few of them.
When the truth is ugly,people try to keep it hidden,
because they know if revealed,the damage it will do.
So they conceal it within sturdy walls...
or they place it behind closed doors...
or they obscure it with clever disguises...
but truth,no matter how ugly,always emerges...
and someone we care about always ends up getting hurt...
and someone else will revel in their pain,and that’s the ugliest truth of all.
1.We all have pain. Everyone in here has pain, but we deal with it, we swallow it, get going with our life
2.It's an odd thing to look back on the world, to watch those I left behind. Each in her own way so brave, so determined, and so very desperate.
Desperate to venture out, but afraid of what she'll miss when she goes.
Desperate to get everything she wants, even when she's not exactly sure of what that is.
Desperate for life to be perfect again, although she realizes it never really was.
Desperate for a better future, if she can find a way to escape her past.
I not only watch, I cheer them on, these amazing women. I hope so much they'll find what they're looking for.
But I know not all of them will. Sadly, that's just not the way life works. Not everyone gets a happy ending.
3.We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are.
4.As I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me. The beauty that waits to be unveiled. The mysteries that long to be uncovered. But people so rarely stop to take a look. They just keep moving. It's a shame, really. There's so much to see."
5.Competition, it means different things to different people. But whether it's a friendly rivalry...or a fight to the death,the end result is the same. There will be winners -and there will be losers.Of course, the trick is to know which battles to fight. You see, no victory comes without a price.
6. The stories are as old as time itself...
the prodigal son who returns home
to the father who forgives him...
the jealous wife who tricks the husband who trust her...
the desperate mother
who risks everything for the child who needs her
and the faithless husband
who hurts the wife who loves him so deeply.
Why do we listen again and again?
Because these are the stories of family,
and once we look past the fighting, pain and the resentment,
we occasionally like to remind ourselves...
There is absolutely nothing more important.
7.Nothing is forever,and time comes when we all say goodbye to the world we knew;goodbye to everything we have taken for granted;goodbye to those we saw will never abandon us.And when these changes finally do occut;when the familiar has departed and the unfamiliar has taken its place.All of us can really do is to say "Hello" and "Welcome".
8. We all honor heroes for diffrernt reasons,sometimes for their daring...sometimes for their bravery...sometime for their goodness.But mostly we honor heroes because at one point or another ,we all dream of being rescued.
Of course,if the right hero doesn't come along,sometimes we just have to rescue ourselves.
9.The vow is simple really.Those who take it promsie to stay together for better or for worse... for richer or for sickness and in honor and to cherish...forsaking all others...Until death do us part.
yes ,the vow is simple .Finding someone worthy of such a promise is the hard part.But if we can, that is when we begin to live happily ever after.
2010年1月31日 星期日
2010年1月19日 星期二
Music And Lyrics : Way Back Into Love - Hugh Grant(Alex Fletcher) & Haley Bennet(Cora Corman)
I've been living with a shadow overhead 總是生活在個陰影之下
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed 就寢時總像被雲霧籠罩
I've been lonely for so long 我已孤單好久一段時間了
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on 陷落過去裡,就似無法再前行.
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away 已把所有的希望與夢藏放一旁
Just in case I ever need em again someday 只是預防哪天會再需要它們
I've been setting aside time 不斷告訴自己要轉身離開
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind 該把心中角落清出些小空間
Chorus: [Both]
All I want to do is find a way back into love 所有我想要做的就是重新找回愛
I can't make it through without a way back into love 我無力獨自撐下去,若無法返回重新找到愛
Oh oh oh 喔~喔~喔~
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine 抬頭瞭望但群星不再耀眼閃爍
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs 不停找尋但就看不到那些星座(訊號)
I know that it's out there 我知道真愛總是在
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere 那兒定會有契合我靈魂的人在不遠處
I've been looking for someone to shed some light 我一直在尋望某人可以分享傾訴生命光彩
Not somebody just to get me throught the night 而不只是某個人來渡過一夜露水情緣
I could use some direction 我可以跟隨一些指引
And I'm open to your suggestions 而我會對妳的示意敞開心胸
Chorus: [Both]
All I want to do is find a way back into love 所有我想要的就是重新找回愛
I can't make it through without a way back into love 我無力獨自撐下去,如果我無法返回重新找到愛
And if I open my heart again 而如果我再次敞開我的心防
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end 我猜想我會希望你永遠在那為我守候直到最後
There are moments when I don't know if it's real 有些時候當我不知道似真似假
Or if anybody feels the way I feel 或者大概每個人都與我想的一樣
I need inspiration 我需要些啟發
Not just another negotiation 不是另一個約法三章
All I want to do is find a way back into love 所有我想要的就是重新找回愛
I can't make it through without a way back into love 我無力獨自撐下去,若無法返回重新找到愛
And if I open my heart to you 而如果我敞開我的心房只對你
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do 我希望你永遠對我表示如何去做
And if you help me to start again 若你願意幫我再次開始
You know that I'll be there for you in the end 你知道的我將會在那裡為你守候直到最後
I've been living with a shadow overhead 總是生活在個陰影之下
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed 就寢時總像被雲霧籠罩
I've been lonely for so long 我已孤單好久一段時間了
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on 陷落過去裡,就似無法再前行.
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away 已把所有的希望與夢藏放一旁
Just in case I ever need em again someday 只是預防哪天會再需要它們
I've been setting aside time 不斷告訴自己要轉身離開
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind 該把心中角落清出些小空間
Chorus: [Both]
All I want to do is find a way back into love 所有我想要做的就是重新找回愛
I can't make it through without a way back into love 我無力獨自撐下去,若無法返回重新找到愛
Oh oh oh 喔~喔~喔~
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine 抬頭瞭望但群星不再耀眼閃爍
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs 不停找尋但就看不到那些星座(訊號)
I know that it's out there 我知道真愛總是在
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere 那兒定會有契合我靈魂的人在不遠處
I've been looking for someone to shed some light 我一直在尋望某人可以分享傾訴生命光彩
Not somebody just to get me throught the night 而不只是某個人來渡過一夜露水情緣
I could use some direction 我可以跟隨一些指引
And I'm open to your suggestions 而我會對妳的示意敞開心胸
Chorus: [Both]
All I want to do is find a way back into love 所有我想要的就是重新找回愛
I can't make it through without a way back into love 我無力獨自撐下去,如果我無法返回重新找到愛
And if I open my heart again 而如果我再次敞開我的心防
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end 我猜想我會希望你永遠在那為我守候直到最後
There are moments when I don't know if it's real 有些時候當我不知道似真似假
Or if anybody feels the way I feel 或者大概每個人都與我想的一樣
I need inspiration 我需要些啟發
Not just another negotiation 不是另一個約法三章
All I want to do is find a way back into love 所有我想要的就是重新找回愛
I can't make it through without a way back into love 我無力獨自撐下去,若無法返回重新找到愛
And if I open my heart to you 而如果我敞開我的心房只對你
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do 我希望你永遠對我表示如何去做
And if you help me to start again 若你願意幫我再次開始
You know that I'll be there for you in the end 你知道的我將會在那裡為你守候直到最後
2010年1月3日 星期日
一些 驚世警語
有做、做完、做對、做好(Follow your heart and intuition)
"大部分的人並沒有活在當下, 因為在潛意識裡, 他們相信下一刻將比現在更重要. 就這樣... 莫名其妙地錯過了一輩子. " ~ 艾克哈特.托勒 (Eckhart Tolle)
"Most humans are never fully present in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But then you miss your whole life." ~ by Eckhart Tolle
A Happier you by By Eckhart Tolle
有做、做完、做對、做好(Follow your heart and intuition)
"大部分的人並沒有活在當下, 因為在潛意識裡, 他們相信下一刻將比現在更重要. 就這樣... 莫名其妙地錯過了一輩子. " ~ 艾克哈特.托勒 (Eckhart Tolle)
"Most humans are never fully present in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But then you miss your whole life." ~ by Eckhart Tolle
A Happier you by By Eckhart Tolle
交代或記錄一下 這樣的平常心
由於平常心 所以我以為可以這樣做著原來的自己
平常心地做著老婆 做著媽
也或許是因為這樣 沒把這樣的角色扮演好 因為在這角色裡 無法讓自己盡興!?
歌手: 張惠妹 A-Mei
作曲: 林倛玉
作詞: 小寒
編曲: 吳慶隆
街道靜得刺耳 夜被路燈染色
趁感傷醒來前 先上車 不會不捨
承認我是弱者 不敢再對愛假設
我真的累得 不想再拉扯
*我尋找的平靜 是我將來看電影
我需要的平靜 是敢回頭看曾經
我選擇忘記 *
我不懂得取捨 才讓心痛堆著
找得到前些年 的快樂 只是偶爾
回憶是個誘餌 是來叫我回去的
要傷能癒合 我非走不可
作詞:鄔裕康 作曲:陳志遠 編曲:吳慶隆
誰在碧海藍天呼喚我 誰在美好世界呼喚我
那雙手 願意只為我發瘋 給我愛 也讓我愛的自由
沒有眼淚 沒有錯過
愛是寂寞的人專屬的美夢 我只要不醒就一切美好
哪怕是所有的風景都是虛構 這世界早晚都會有末日 我怕什麼
*愛是幸運的人專屬的享受 我只要一秒的火熱就好
哪怕是擁抱最後變成了傷口 為了愛有的痛不算是痛
#別讓我連愛的資格都沒有 我不在乎有沒有以後
在搖搖擺擺生命中 我相信有一種溫柔 會是我的
Repeat *,#,#
我的愛情 我的自由 會在哪裡等我
交代或記錄一下 這樣的平常心
由於平常心 所以我以為可以這樣做著原來的自己
平常心地做著老婆 做著媽
也或許是因為這樣 沒把這樣的角色扮演好 因為在這角色裡 無法讓自己盡興!?
歌手: 張惠妹 A-Mei
作曲: 林倛玉
作詞: 小寒
編曲: 吳慶隆
街道靜得刺耳 夜被路燈染色
趁感傷醒來前 先上車 不會不捨
承認我是弱者 不敢再對愛假設
我真的累得 不想再拉扯
*我尋找的平靜 是我將來看電影
我需要的平靜 是敢回頭看曾經
我選擇忘記 *
我不懂得取捨 才讓心痛堆著
找得到前些年 的快樂 只是偶爾
回憶是個誘餌 是來叫我回去的
要傷能癒合 我非走不可
作詞:鄔裕康 作曲:陳志遠 編曲:吳慶隆
誰在碧海藍天呼喚我 誰在美好世界呼喚我
那雙手 願意只為我發瘋 給我愛 也讓我愛的自由
沒有眼淚 沒有錯過
愛是寂寞的人專屬的美夢 我只要不醒就一切美好
哪怕是所有的風景都是虛構 這世界早晚都會有末日 我怕什麼
*愛是幸運的人專屬的享受 我只要一秒的火熱就好
哪怕是擁抱最後變成了傷口 為了愛有的痛不算是痛
#別讓我連愛的資格都沒有 我不在乎有沒有以後
在搖搖擺擺生命中 我相信有一種溫柔 會是我的
Repeat *,#,#
我的愛情 我的自由 會在哪裡等我
2010年1月1日 星期五
新年快樂 祝福99
Dear all my friends ,
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 ! 民國99 快樂久久 健康久久 平安久久 幸福久久....
好久不見 有的N天, 有的N月 ,有的N年
自從2007年帶著球-Sarina(2歲) "潛逃"出境後 和朋友相聚也開始以「年」為單位計算。
這兩隻看起來像雙胞胎是我這些年(分兩次)孵出來的 不知道有沒有來的及跟各位報告過
右邊的Carina快4歲 中間這張 連我們初乍看都會認錯了 姊姊小時候的照片常跟妹妹一樣不細看分不出來

欲知近況 請內洽
快要從溫哥華回到台北 就快跟大家2010年"再"見!!!
Say Farewell to 2009 , Aloha to 2010
霉事速速去 好運快快來
best regards
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 ! 民國99 快樂久久 健康久久 平安久久 幸福久久....
好久不見 有的N天, 有的N月 ,有的N年
自從2007年帶著球-Sarina(2歲) "潛逃"出境後 和朋友相聚也開始以「年」為單位計算。
這兩隻看起來像雙胞胎是我這些年(分兩次)孵出來的 不知道有沒有來的及跟各位報告過
右邊的Carina快4歲 中間這張 連我們初乍看都會認錯了 姊姊小時候的照片常跟妹妹一樣不細看分不出來
欲知近況 請內洽
快要從溫哥華回到台北 就快跟大家2010年"再"見!!!
Say Farewell to 2009 , Aloha to 2010
霉事速速去 好運快快來
best regards
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